New Madeira Dengue cases reported per week in local population continue to drop
Exported cases of Dengue Fever
Total number of exported cases has increased from 74 to 78 since the last monthly report in January 2013, with one new case reported in Portugal and three in Finland. The last report was on 1st February 2013 (ECDC - CDTR report week 6).
No travel restrictions to and from Madeira maintained and preventative measures still recommended.
Dengue Fever mosquito Monitoring Programme
The Aedes aegypti Mosquito Monitoring Programme can also include a site visit and audit to identify potential mosquito breeding sites and recommend actions to reduce or eliminate breeding sites as well as regular audits to verify implementation of recommendations.
We are working with the Chamber of Commerce and local authorities to develop a network of participants who want to monitor their own private areas, which can complement the monitoring network being done by local authorities.
- DGS report 3 February 2013
- ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) - week 6/2013 - 12 February 2013

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